Two of the easiest things to overlook are the marketing and design aspect of your booster club. While it’s easy to let these things slip to the back burners, they shouldn’t be set aside for too long. Booster club marketing is crucial for improving your booster clubs success rate and increasing the booster club revenue.

Naming Your Booster Club

Two founders working on their booster club

Coming up with an original and unique booster club name is a great way to help with booster club marketing.

Naming your booster club isn’t as easy as it may sound.

First, you have to make sure that the name you do like, doesn’t already exist.

  • Your booster club name is registered with the state, having a name too close to another business may cause your file to be rejected.
  • You can double-check that your name is available by looking at the Secretary Of State’s website and by conducting a business search to see if the name you like already exists.
  • If the name you want is available, then you can file the proper paperwork and set it in stone.

Tip: Choose a name that identifies your group, school, and the activity that you are supporting.

  • This helps with brand recognition because everyone will instantly know where you’re from and what you’re trying to do.
  • It also helps to tie in with the school’s branding, which has already been established within the local community.

Creating a Logo or Attaining School Mascot Usage Rights

You never want to use a school’s logo or mascot without written consent. You may even need licenses stating that you have permission to use them, and the terms for which you may use them. This protects both you and the school.

Don’t just assume that your booster club can use the school’s mascot, make sure to ask and have written permission. Some schools would rather that you not use their mascots for your own club for fear that it could tarnish theirs.

Three common issues could stem from using a school’s mascot or logo:

  • It can get confusing among consumers.
    • When using an already established logo or mascot, people will have a hard time distinguishing who you are.
  • The design could become “too common.”
    • If the original owner doesn’t take action to protect their property rights, the design could become so common that it becomes generic.
  • The original owner risks tarnishment.
    • If you use another owner’s design and are then involved in a scandal, the original owner could be faced with some of the backlashes despite having no involvement.

Simply creating your booster club logo is possibly the best way to go. If you can attain mascot usage rights, that’s even better. You can combine the two to create a unique booster club logo that still ties in with the school and doesn’t feel like an out of place entity.

Students designing flyer for booster club fundraiser

Create Booster Club Business Documents

Setting up and Planning for a Booster Club

Booster clubs involve a lot of paperwork, and this often includes official statements, business cards, and more. While the world is slowly fading more into the digital age, and the world of social media, paper business documents may seem a little obsolete.

Proper booster club marketing would continue to use paper documents as well as digital to help with booster club advertising.

Using booster club print assets is a great way to do local advertising when you are out and away from the internet.


  • Handing out booster club business cards when you’re discussing your club with someone at the mall.

Merely telling someone to visit your booster club website or social media handle isn’t good enough.

Minds can quickly become distracted or forget. Having a paper reminder in their pockets like a booster club business card will remind them long after the conversation has ended.

This is great for booster club promotion and booster club marketing!

Official document papers with booster club logos and letterhead can also make you seem much more official during communication with local businesses.

Have booster club business cards to direct companies and individuals to a booster club website.

This is where they can get further instructions on how they can help support your group.

Establishing a Booster Club Website

Online booster club marketing is an entirely different ball game from the paper promoting you may be doing in the schools with booster club posters on the wall.

Having a booster club website is excellent for booster club marketing because you can reach people all over the world as well as businesses and individuals nearby.

Having a booster club website built is a good idea because:

  • Companies are looking to support local nonprofits.
  • You increase awareness for your group and your cause.

When more people can find you, more people can support you. Support can easily translate into donations or an increase in volunteers. Having a website and building up your booster club’s social media presence is key to building your booster club marketing strategy.

Booster Club Management Structure

Building The Club's Social Media

More and more people are gluing their eyes to their smartphones and social media outlets. Building your social media presence is very important for your booster club.

“With social media, your booster club can create exposure for its cause, engage and interact with potential volunteers and donors, and garner the attention of a wider audience.”

The three most prominent social media platforms are currently:

By tackling these three platforms, you can quickly expand your booster clubs’ reach and increase profitability. These social media outlets can also help you to improve your booster club’s communication by allowing you to remind members and followers about upcoming events.

Booster Club Communication Tools

Communication plays a vital role in both booster club marketing as well as booster club success. Without communication, nobody would have a clue about different events, fundraisers, or upcoming meetings.

Some things needed for proper booster club communication include:

  • A members directory
  • Email newsletters
  • Printed newsletters

While printed newsletters are relatively easy enough to figure out, email communication can prove to be a better asset and use of your time. Email marketing is a great way to communicate because you can send out messages to a lot of people at one time.

Some benefits of email marketing include:

  • Affordability.
    • Different email companies offer different package rates, but the yearly cost could be significantly cheaper than paying for paper, envelopes, and postage.
  • Scheduling.
    • With email companies, you can write and schedule messages to be sent in advance and on a set schedule. Perfect for conserving time and physical efforts.
  • You can reach a mass target with a push of a button.
    • After typing your email, hit send and you’re good to go.
  • Less paperwork.
    • By communicating with emails, you can reduce your group’s dependency on trees and take a more eco-friendly approach.
Communications tools play a critical role ensuring the growth of your booster club

Booster Club Merchandising

Booster Club merchandise can help grow your booster club finances

One of the biggest fundraisers often held by booster clubs is t-shirt sales. Creating booster club merchandise that shows support and love for both the school as well as the program you’re supporting is a great way to make money and promote the booster club.

While t-shirts are always popular, other items to consider for booster club merchandise could include:

  • Keychains
  • Water bottles
  • Book bags/ tote bags
  • Pencil cases
  • Bracelets
  • Lanyards

These items are all great for selling both in person as well as online thanks to online marketing.

Sometimes, a job can come with too many responsibilities for a single person to handle. In these cases, handing off leadership can really help. Delegation is a great asset to booster club membership because it not only helps to release stress on some members, but it also gives non-board member booster club volunteers a chance to participate at a higher level.

Online Marketing

Online marketing for your booster club is a great way to advertise. A lot of the ways that you can choose to do online marketing are free! This is a great way to prevent eating up profits with added advertising costs.

A few easy ways to use online marketing include:

  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • Ads
  • Online crowdfunding

With the internet, you can target people that are far away and your local community as well.

Utilize social media to promote your booster club events and fundraisers

Local Booster Club Marketing

Local Marketing plays an important role to increase the visibility of your booster club

Local marketing is when you target the people within your area. These can be businesses or individuals, as the goals are generally similar. You want them to support your booster club, and give you money. The exact details can be further broken down into more specific things desired, but it all comes back to help and money.

Besides local advertisement (radio show ads, posters, postcards in the mail, paper newsletters) there are plenty of other ways to do local marketing.

Event marketing is a trendy way to promote your booster club

When you hold events (fundraising or not), the event is entertaining to guests for one reason or another. People in attendance can see what your group is like, what you do for your school/programs/community and are more inclined to help or donate to the cause.

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