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Why Booostr SMS Text Messaging Helps You Easily Communicate to Your Supporters

One of the key aspects of managing a booster club is communicating and informing key booster club supporters. Supporters who give and help volunteer are vital for a club’s success. To have a strengthened and solid team of supporters, your booster club will need to be able to relay information to supporters in a quick, efficient, and professional way.

Booostr SMS Text Messaging is a nonprofit bulk text messaging solution that provides booster clubs with various features to messaging supporters, store information, organize contacts into groups, and more! With the SMS text messaging system, Booostr offers a tool that can help your club communicate with supporters in a clear/simple way while also offering unique tools for supporters receiving information and for clubs sending out information.

February 15, 2022 / by / in ,
Beware Of These Common Booster Club Management Pass Off Problems

Serving in a booster club is a unique and fantastic opportunity to help others and give back to a community. Despite this great opportunity, sometimes issues arise and cause a hiccup in the plans to serve well and efficiently. One of these hiccups occurs through booster club management pass-off problems that arise when leadership teams transition.

Booster club pass-off problems happen when booster club management passes from one team to the next. This issue can arise easily in booster clubs, but with the right knowledge and tools, this problem can be solved easily and swiftly.

February 8, 2022 / by / in
Booostr Document Storage Advantages vs. Other Cloud Storage Solutions

As your leadership operates and manages your booster club, managing and tracking different files and documents is one of the worst parts. But what if you had a system and tool that could turn one of the worst parts of your club into one of its best? Booostr Document Storage advantages your club by providing various features that organize and simplify how your club manages files.

So don’t work with the worst; win by using the best with Booostr Document Storage.

February 1, 2022 / by / in ,
Managing Your Volunteer Hours Dedicated to Your Booster Club

Managing a booster club is a fantastic opportunity to serve your community and make a difference in the lives of many people. Additionally, serving in a booster club allows you to be of great value and use for yourself as well as others. However, it is very easy to let this perspective and grand vision consume your life in a negative way.

It is very easy to become overburdened and lost without the proper knowledge of how to manage volunteer hours in your booster club. However, with the right plan and application, you and your booster club can have great success managing your volunteer hours….

January 25, 2022 / by / in
How to Create a Killer Booster Club Leadership Team

The vision, direction, and overall health of a booster club flow down from the booster club leadership team. In order to have an awesome booster club, you will need to have great leadership.

Many people know this of course, but not many know the best practical way to craft a killer booster club leadership team. What makes a great team is not just individuals who can do a lot of work, but selfless volunteers who adhere to the club’s vision and are unified in serving others in their community….

January 18, 2022 / by / in
Booostr Platform Advantage Over Other Nonprofit Software Solutions

What do booster clubs, construction workers, and scuba divers all have in common? In order for each of them to do their job, they need the right tools. Online tools for booster club management are the backbone of a successful booster club. There are many nonprofit software solutions and products that can aid your booster club, but if you want to take your club to the next level, you will need tools that allow your club to go above and beyond….

January 11, 2022 / by / in ,
Best 2022 Online Tax Software for Booster Clubs

It’s that time of year again; tax season. While this may cause you to sigh and dread the coming months, remember that with the right tax tools this process can go from a headache to hardly any work at all. This all starts with finding and using the best 2022 online tax software.

We’ve done all the hard work for you and provided a list of online tax programs to handle your booster club taxes. Below you will find these options along with other key information on the best 2022 online tax software.

January 4, 2022 / by / in
Advantages of A Booostr Profile Vs. Website for Your Booster Club

In this day and age, a booster club without a website is a hindered booster club. For many reasons, a successful, thriving booster club will need a great online presence. Whether it’s getting the club’s name out for more members, advertising and promoting events, or conveying the mission and movement of your local club, it is vital to have a booster club online presence.

Traditionally this presence has come through websites online. However, with Booostr Profiles, your club may be able to craft a unique and efficient look for your club with little to no work setting up!

As your club seeks to cultivate an online presence, you must be informed of the debate between a Booostr profile and a website.

December 28, 2021 / by / in , ,
Managing Booster Club Volunteers to Avoid Freeloading

Managing a stable and efficient booster club is not easy by any standards. There are a host of factors to consider in the operations of a non-profit, from sponsorship and business partners, financial development, events planning, and of course, volunteer participation. The growth and success of your booster club depend on volunteer work as the foundation of the club’s relationship with the public. They put in the effort in their own free time, and without them, your club will founder. If you’re part of your booster club’s leadership, getting the most out of your volunteers can be difficult.  Lack of clear direction or purpose leads to some workers doing more than others (freeloading). Let’s talk about volunteering for booster clubs and some ways to avoid the dreaded “freeloaders.”…

December 7, 2021 / by / in
Typical Booster Club Revenue Uses

So, your booster club fundraising has paid off, and your club has a good amount of revenue to spend. Before you break the bank, you might want to know what your club can and cannot spend your hard-earned funds on.

Typical booster club revenue uses come in the form of activity-related uses for the teams and organizations a booster club supports and operating and management-related expenses for booster club management. Before your club spends a dime, it is vital to know how the typical booster club revenue uses….

November 30, 2021 / by / in

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